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Lee Enfield No4T and L42 Reproduction Rear Sight - Components and Assembly

Lee Enfield No4T and L42 Reproduction Rear Sight - Components and Assembly


Working with NOS spare parts and some used as indicated.  Complete Milled Micrometer Rear Sights as converted for the Lee Enfield No4T and futher developed for the L42 (with 7.62x51mm NATO recalibration).


Original No4T rear sights were made at Holland Holland during the conversion contract from provided suppliers - Savage, N69 / Singer, BSA / M47 (C).  The Maltby rifles typically came from the factory with N69 / Singer rear sights as they were dispersed manfucate sourced.  Other rifles that had the L/ flip sight from the factory had that replaced with spare sights provided by Savage and N69 / Singer.


After the war armourers would remake sights from available spares, the stock system not being picky about source or maker - only version - these sights could be from BSA / M47(C), Fazakerley, Longbranch, Singer / N69,  Savage - and components within an assembly could be mixed.


So here we have reproduction (made by me_ No4T format rear sights as indicated by manufacturer - all parts are of that maker or otherwise unmarked (no mixed marks).  All assemblies have been built using Molybdneum grease and checked for tightness - I build these to shoot well, so add peens per Parker Hales last sight building efforts.


The L42 program was the last use of the No4 action to make a sniper rifle in 7.62x51mm  - the designers of the time discussed the calibration options and opted for the easy but effective - reinscribing of the existing rear datum line 0.070" lower.  Ive had this done to some NOS cursors and have built some "L42" format copy rear sights as above - by indicated maker smarks.


Please feel free to ask any questions or send any comment (positive is always appreciated and encouraged).

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